Author Jane Nice became friends with Herb Monroe through church after she moved to Paulding and met the Monroes when Millie already had Alzheimer's disease. Her fascination with this compassionate man, and her burning curiosity for what made him so kind and funny despite all of the tragedy in his life led to a ten year relationship between the biographer and her subject and produced this book, a true labor of love for which Herb always worried she would never be fully compensated in the end. He always tried to help her with this project--which just happened to be about him.
Jane lives on a farm in northwest Ohio where she and her husband have raised their three children. She is a former high school English teacher and a Purdue University graduate, but she considers her greatest education about what truly matters in life to be her time spent with Herb.
Upcoming AppearancesTBD
Antwerp Girl Scouts visit the Herb Monroe Community Park on October 14, 2016 |